my darkest thoughts
sweet dreams
my darkest thoughts
[ ] You have gotten F9 grades for mathematics many times.
[x] You always do last minute homework in class, esp maths and science..haha
[x] You use your handphone to text your friends in class…
[x] Your phone got confiscated suey… I didn’t use he say got… -.-"
[ ] You listen to ur MP3, CD player in class when the teachers are out and during revision…
[x] You sleep in class.. who doesn't?
[x] You curse teachers..i still do now..
[ ] You are always late for extra classes...
[x] You doodle on tables...that vandalism..but well..hmmm
[ ] You make out in class. eerrr..nope..i'm not attached to anyone in my school when i was schooling..pls.. i'm not tired of living??!! the gossips can KILL..a big NO NO!
[x] You are rebellious with some teachers[mr who’s that teacher called again?? The D& T one lar… -.-]
[ ] You always hand up work late...rarely lah..
[ ] You make fun of the nerds and geeks...nah.. not that cruel… =X
[x] You have broken school rules...who doesn't? the issue is.. were you caught??
[ ] You always don't have the correct books...
[ ] You don't take notes...
[x] Recess is your favourite part of school...holidays/weekends are the favourite part of sch
[x] You hang out after school...since young... (:
[ ] You lie to your teachers about homework.
[x] You tell your parents that you don't havehomework when you actually do.
[ ] You have made someone cry in school...
[x] You copied homework before...zillion times..
[ ] You threw away homework before and lie that you didn't recieve it first of all... i want to.. XD
[x] You laugh at the way some teachers walk… it real damn funny lars…
[ ] You have been late couple of times... NEVER!!..if i'm late, i won't bother to go to school already.. and i did not been late for my first whole year of schooling oin BBSS... (:
Put a cross on the side when applicable. Once done, count the crosses and then multiply by 4.
Post it as "I WAS __ % bad in school"
so.. I see I am not that bad gurl in school yeah?? Hahas.. guai keah… ^^ blar blar blar.. i suppose i am a nerd/geek yeah?? so guai... =X maybe next year when i am in another school... shan't tell you which sch i transfered... i will be more BAD... lols. (: so far.. i am only 48% good in school... :S lols!
sweet dreams
my darkest thoughts
okay okay... sorry blooggie... :( sorry i didn't posted anything at all... (: coz i have another blog mars.. and recently i was OVERSEAS... hehes... want to noe bout my trip??? go to
yeah...ookay...ihavesuchafeelingthatthesjabpeopleisveryunhappyaboutthem...andiamaslodunreallylikethemnow...maybeexceptfor2-3???yeah..justthatididn'twentforthestupidcourse,trainings,theyunhappyforwad?askthemquestionsalsodunwantoanswer...stillsayy?uforgotarrs?yeah..cozihadthisfeelingsoipurposelyaskthemwad...asked2people.andconfirmedmytots.yeah!theyarunhappywithme..justbecauseofthatstupidsjabthingy..btw,ihavequittedsjab,soydoistillhavetogo?lols.maybethestupidbbqpartyidon'tgoalsocan..butiwantedtogiveyouallsouvenierslehzyouallstilllikethis...istilltotofyoualllorz..haoxinmeiyouhaobao!!!arrgh1nexttimeiratherdon'tgiveyouanythingorwadeveranymore!arrgh!fuckyouall...youallnothappyrite?goanddielarx..likethetripmyparentsduringholidaysthentellmede..wadcanido/huh?sinceididn'tknowanything...arrgh!wadtheheck!totallyunhappywiththem...inoeilasttimekeeponskipping...socalledskiping...butiamsicklors..totallyhatedallofyou..especiallythesec*(duntellyouwadisit...(:)ialwayshatedyourall...untill1timethenidecidednotto...butnowz...yeah...iambeginingto!arrgh!fuckyoularxmaother** ***
sweet dreams
my darkest thoughts
yayy!... hahas.. well.. this is my NEW blog... (: an EXTRA one.. lol's.. or should i say...umm...ANOTHER blog of mines?? hahas.. well...the tagboard is linked to my another blog hees...coz i too lazy to do it le... hahas... (:
i MUST say... this blog is kind of colourful??? lols... (:
sweet dreams
my darkest thoughts
okay...testing 123...good...lols...wonder if this blog could work a not???hmmm.....the previous blog i had was like...erm couldn't get in???the blog is having some err... PROBLEMS!!!omg... stupid blogger...can't work properly... ): please tell me if you couldn't see my words...thanks! -tagboard...
sooner or later i will transfer all my post here... (: if you want to see my previous post, go to yeah! lols. (;
sweet dreams
sAy yOU bELIevE mE
pEOpLe wHo beLIEve i cAn FlY
[[nAnYaNg]]* -cLaSsmAtEs-
[ jAcLyN ]=DD
[ kAtHeRiNe] xD
[ rEbEcCa ]=DD
[ sZe YuE ] =D
[ TzE hSiN ] :]
[ tRiStAn ] :D
[ wAnG yEe ]xDD
[ wEi jIe ] xD
[ x-cLaSs ]X))
[ xUe LiN ] =)
[ ZoE ] =]
[[nAnyAng]](: -PuPiLs-*
[ cHlOe ] =)
[wAn tInG]X))
-[[bUkiT bAtoK]]- cLaSsmAteS(:
[ cHanEl ] :X
[ cHaNg yEn] =X
[ cHeRie ] x)
[ eStHeR ] :>
[ eUnIcE ] =D
[ fIdAh ] =)
[ hOngZhaNg] XD
[ jEnIsE ] X)
[ nAdIaH ] ;)
[ rUtH ] =D
[ sHeRyL ] =D
~[[bUkIt BaToK]]~ PuPiLs xD
[ hUi yUn ]=DD
[ jIaYi ]=))
*[[sJaB-ians]]* XDD
[ aMaLiNa ] :)
[ bB cOrP ]XDD
[ CaSsAnDrA ]=))
[ CL wEiXiAnG] xD
[ jInG yI ] :)
[ mDm fArIdAh] xD
[ nAiImAh ] =)
[ nGaI fOnG ] X)
[ sHi TiNg ] :)
[ sHuAnG yU ] :)
[ vAlErIe gOh] =)
[ vAlErIe YeO]=))
[ wAn yEe ]=))
[ yUn qIan ] :)
mE!]]*~ =)
[ mE aNd JiAyI aNd HuIyUn ]X))
[ mY aNoThEr wEeBiE]=DD
oThErS wEbSiTeS